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ABCloudz achieved a Select Consulting Partner status with AWS Partner Network
We’re proud to announce that ABCloudz has become an AWS Select Consulting Partner, which highlights our commitment to the AWS cloud platform, and bringing the best of this cloud platform to our clients. This great event comes with some worthy achievements – The ABCloudz engineers achieved several certifications as AWS Solution Architect Associates, others received Cloud […]
Andrii Koval
Oracle to PostgreSQL migration with AWS SCT: How to handle unsupported data types
In this post we explore the technical aspects of Oracle to PostgreSQL migration using AWS SCT. We’ll look into conversion of Oracle “aliases”. We were using AWS SCT build #660 to convert one of our Oracle test databases. The challenge Oracle’s subtype declaration allows creating an “alias” for some datatype declaration, which can be re-used […]
Oleksii Savchenko
Best practices: Security audit of Azure infrastructure for a healthcare data company
One of our customers runs a large Azure data center that works with Personal Health Information ( PHI). Before the client contacted us, many of their servers have been running on legacy OS and the overall infrastructure was rather disorganized. The Company’s management was concerned about potential security holes and requested to conduct a thorough […]
Andrey Khudyakov, Roman Muzyka
DevOps and test automation: Docker saves the day!
Recently, the ABCloudz team migrated a customer’s database from Apache Cassandra to Amazon DynamoDB. As part of this project, we needed to run multiple tests to ensure perfect quality for our delivery. However, we faced a problem in setting up the test environment. Even though we were using AWS CloudFormation templates for the EC2 instances, it was taking over 30 mins to get the dev/test environment setup. In addition, our developers couldn’t run parallel regression testing. So, we decided to…
Viacheslav Kim
Expand capacity with an IBM DB2 SQL Azure SQL Database migration
One of the world’s largest distributors of non-food consumable products wanted to rationalize their data platform and business intelligence strategy. Their current IBM DB2 database system lacked a repository to host historical audit-related data, so they could hardly retrieve data from past years. Then we came up with an Azure cloud database solution that could […]
Andrii Koval
Powerful visualization of business KPIs with Power BI
Our customer is the nation’s largest home outdoor care company, serving more than 2.3 million residential and commercial customers across the United States and having revenues reaching up to $2 billion. Before contacting ABCloudz they had severe business reporting issues. The client’s KPI (key performance indicator) reports were extremely inconsistent and took too much time […]
Taras Koniukhov, Alexey Smirnov, Roman Muzyka
Developing a worldwide lost and found platform
PerdidoOnline, a Puerto Rico based startup came up with an idea to help the unfortunate among us who lose our belongings wherever we go. Our client wanted to develop a locator and tracking solution t that will substitute the lost and found offices all over the world and save the users from worrying about losing their property. Read more to learn how our team turned this idea into reality.
Andrii Koval
Car Auction Marketplace: From concept to release in record time
Speed is everything in the highly competitive domain of e-commerce. Digital marketplaces of varied sizes appear at an ever-increasing rate and it becomes more challenging to stand out among the competition. According to estimates, a 6-months delay in a software product release can cut its profitability by at least 30%. These numbers had been relevant […]
Michael Virych, Roman Muzyka
An overview of the remote migration from Oracle to SQL Server with SSIS
One of our clients, a large financial software company, wanted to migrate their billing solution from Oracle to SQL Server. They needed to initiate this project because the migration was required by one of their strategic partners. The customer decided to implement SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) for this migration. Additionally, they needed to do […]
Andrey Khudyakov, Roman Muzyka
Migrating from SAS to Big Data for a global retailer
When a global retailer in the beauty industry needed a new and cost-effective data processing solution, they knew the search would require a high level of expertise. That is why they decided to seek advice from ABCloudz. The company had a massive amount of data and utilized SAS software for data processing, both powerful but […]
Andrey Khudyakov (DB architect), Roman Muzyka (writer)
Oracle to SQL Server migration with SSMA: Converting interval literals
Oracle enables you to use specific interval literals for indicating a certain period of time. Unfortunately, there is no direct analog for such literals in SQL Server. As a result, when you apply SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for converting Oracle code with interval literals, you receive an error O2SS0086. The term ‘interval literals’ refers to a fixed data value, […]
Andrey Khudyakov, Roman Muzyka
Oracle to SQL Server migration with SSMA: Converting interval expressions
Oracle databases have many specific functions and features. For example, it stores a period of time with specific interval expressions. This may cause issues during the database migration from Oracle to SQL Server. When you use SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for converting Oracle with interval expressions, you will observe the O2SS0006 error message. This may happen because that SSMA does not […]
Andrey Khudyakov, Roman Muzyka
Migrating to Azure SQL Managed Instance: Reasons and implications
Azure SQL Managed Instance (MI) is a highly-efficient Azure service that allows combining the broadest SQL Server database compatibility with numerous benefits of a fully managed PaaS (Platform as a Service). MI provides a much higher degree of capability than Azure SQL Database DTU and vCore service levels. Read this blog post to know the […]
Roman Muzyka, Andrey Khudyakov
Access modernization roadmap for a highly-outdated environment
One of our clients, a major health company, was operating a data system. Over the years, it had expanded dramatically. However, the client had never developed a comprehensive modernization strategy for their product. As a result, they ended up with a highly outdated and inefficient environment overloaded with thousands of Microsoft Access and SQL Server […]
Roman Muzyka, Andrey Khudyakov
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