DevOps and test automation: Docker saves the day!

Recently, the ABCloudz team migrated a customer’s database from Apache Cassandra to Amazon DynamoDB. As part of this project, we needed to run multiple tests to ensure perfect quality for our delivery. However, we faced a problem in setting up the test environment. Even though we were using AWS CloudFormation templates for the EC2 instances, it was taking over 30 mins to get the dev/test environment setup. In addition, our developers couldn’t run parallel regression testing. So, we decided to leverage Docker to automate the environment set up.
In this blog post, we will share our experience with using Docker for automating a NoSQL database migration dev/test environment.

Viacheslav Kim
Oracle to SQL Server migration with SSMA: Converting interval literals

Oracle enables you to use specific interval literals for indicating a certain period of time. Unfortunately, there is no direct analog for such literals in SQL Server. As a result, when you apply SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for converting Oracle code with interval literals, you receive an error O2SS0086. The term ‘interval literals’ refers to a fixed data value, such as the constant value term. Interval literals can be specified in terms of seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, or even years. There are two […]

Andrey Khudyakov, Roman Muzyka
Oracle to SQL Server migration with SSMA: Converting interval expressions

Oracle databases have many specific functions and features. For example, it stores a period of time with specific interval expressions. This may cause issues during the database migration from Oracle to SQL Server. When you use SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for converting Oracle with interval expressions, you will observe the O2SS0006 error message. This may happen because that SSMA does not support type mapping for such expressions. There are intervals of 2 kinds in the source Oracle code: INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND and INTERVAL YEAR TO […]

Andrey Khudyakov, Roman Muzyka

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