Your Vue.js application just got a powerful component

September of 20 has been an exciting month for Power BI adopters and Vue.js applications. Microsoft has just announced a new component that allows Power BI content to be embedded into Vue.js interfaces and websites. ABCloudZ is always working with the latest modern architectures, preparing our consultants and portfolio to offer the cutting edge of technology to all our customers. Similar to the well-known React and Angular frameworks, Vue.js is becoming increasingly popular among JavaScript frameworks. They have reportedly grown  22% in the last 5-year span […]

Denys Takahashi
Power BI Horizontal Fusion, the query optimization we’ve been waiting for

This last September’22 Microsoft announced an awaited query performance optimization for Data Analysis Expressions – or DAX queries – aimed at processing DAX queries more efficiently. On a nutshell, Horizontal Fusion means less trips back and forth to bring you the same result quicker than before. ABCloudz is hard-wired to the market for both new technologies, as well as the desired advancements and requested improvements the development and IT solutions community look forward to better providing to our customers. We […]

Denys Takahashi
Open-platform connectivity with Power BI XMLA endpoints

With our long and diverse experience in data solutions, it became clear to ABCloudZ that a large majority of Business Intelligence and Analytics solutions will, at some point and degree, rely on a semantic or multi-dimensional type of model to support its architecture, providing fast aggregations, and the desired fact-dimension capability for all sorts of data iterations. Until recently, if we take Microsoft as an example, your Analysis Services instance – be it on premises or on the cloud –would […]

Denys Takahashi

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