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Oracle to MySQL migration with AWS SCT: How to convert BULK COLLECT clause
In this blog post we continue covering AWS SCT conversion issues, adding to the series where we help developers to deal with complex migration issues that can’t be automated with SCT. Today we are going to look into how SCT Build #660 addresses the conversion of statements with BULK COLLECT clause. In Oracle, you can […]
Artem Avetyan
Oracle to MySQL migration with AWS SCT: How to handle unsupported NumToYmInterval function
Here’s one more insight into common code conversion issues while using AWS SCT build number 660. This time, we will tell you how to convert NumToYmInterval from Oracle to MySQL. Oracle has a NumToYmInterval function that converts the provided number value of specified expressions or time units to an interval year to month literal. Usually, […]
Artem Avetyan
Oracle to MySQL migration with AWS SCT: How to convert variables of SYS_REFCURSOR datatype
We continue our series of common issues pertaining to code conversions with AWS SCT. This time, we analyze the peculiarities of converting REF CURSOR types from Oracle to MySQL with the help of AWS SCT build number 660. In Oracle 9i, there is the predefined SYS_REFCURSOR type, which means that defining our own REF CURSOR […]
Artem Avetyan
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