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ai, chatgpt, GenerativeAI, prompt-management, LLM, Amazon Bedrock, AWS, RAG, Amazon RDS, Neo4j, PostgreSQL, Embeddings, GraphDB, VectorDB
Custom AI Chatbot Development Using RAG
You have probably seen and heard about AI-powered chatbots that can converse with the user about website content, or some piece of knowledge related to a company. The world is full of buzz on all things AI, with chatbots driving the headlines. In this article, we’ll share our experience building a full-blown solution from scratch […]
Maksym Kurhanetskyi, Oleksii Svitlychnyi
BLE, IoT, firmware, connected-devices, wearable devices, mobile-apps, web-app, Application Development, backend, AWS, .NET, PostgreSQL, react
Over-the-Air Device Firmware Upgrade via Bluetooth
We’ve developed a mobile app and web admin panel that allow a specialized headphone manufacturer for Heavy Metal enthusiasts to swiftly and conveniently deliver firmware updates for their headphones over the air. These headphones do more than just play music; they’re designed to precisely render sound, enhanced by continually evolving custom firmware for each model. […]
Oleksii Svitlychnyi
Speeding up Software Development and Transforming the Digital Environment with DevSecOps
Our customer, a leading provider of end-to-end digital solutions for enhanced patient experiences, approached us with several challenges resulting from their rapidly growing customer base. These challenges included: Difficulties in expanding their software development team and managing multiple infrastructure environments to keep up with growth; Inefficient legacy CI/CD pipelines and lengthy deployment times; Challenges in […]
Viacheslav Kim