Speeding up Software Development and Transforming the Digital Environment with DevSecOps

08 Feb 2023 Viacheslav Kim

Our customer, a leading provider of end-to-end digital solutions for enhanced patient experiences, approached us with several challenges resulting from their rapidly growing customer base. These challenges included:

  • Difficulty in expanding their software development team and many infrastructural environments to keep up with the growth;
  • Inefficiency in legacy CI/CD pipelines and long deployment times;
  • Difficulty in meeting new regulatory requirements and improving overall digital security;
  • Lack of observability and efficient troubleshooting;
  • Long release cycles and difficulty in setting up new environments;
  • High operational costs due to the utilization of massive EC2 instances and lack of scalability.

Our team delivered expert solutions to tackle these challenges and support our customer in improving patient experiences and staying ahead of the competition.

Services Process

To overcome the challenges faced by our customer, ABCloudz’s team of certified experts implemented a comprehensive DevSecOps solution that included:

  • A new AWS-based infrastructure design that reduced complexity, increased efficiency, and improved security and maintainability;
  • Adoption of a GitOps approach for automation, security, versioning, and traceability;
  • Construction of a new CI/CD pipeline using GitLab CI;
  • Creation of a custom cross-platform GitOps toolset for continuous deployment that works across various platforms such as Kubernetes, VMs, bare metal, and Docker;
  • Utilization of technologies such as Terraform, Prometheus, Grafana, CloudWatch Logs, Opsgenie, and Datadog for observability and SRE practices;
  • Migration to managed services for further security improvements and reduced attack surfaces.

Our team’s expertise and deep understanding of modern cloud technologies allowed us to deliver a cost-effective and high-performance solution that met our customer’s objectives and improved their digital solutions.


Providing a DevSecOps solution has the following features and tech stack:

  • AWS-based managed infrastructure;
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) automation using Terraform;
  • Containerization of IIS applications;
  • GDPR, PCI-DSS 3 compliant environments;
  • Gitlab CI-based CI/CD pipelines;
  • GitOps approach;
  • DB migrations automation with Liquibase;
  • MS SQL clusterization;
  • Observability through DataDog, Prometheus, Grafana, and CloudWatch;
  • SRE through OpsGenie;
  • Security validation with AWS Security Hub, AWS Inspector, AWS GuardDuty, AWS Detective, AWS CloudTrail;
  • Utilization of AWS services including ECS, ECR, SSO, Route53, Active Directory, KMS, ACM, SSM, EC2, S3, VPC Peering, Cross-account cross-resources permissions, RDS, Prometheus, Grafana, SQS, SNS, SES, Lambda, CloudWatch, EventBridge, Security Hub, Inspector, GuardDuty, Detective, CloudTrail, and Trusted Advisor.
DevSecOps ci/cd


Project Results

The implementation of the solution led to significant improvements for the customer, including:

  • Improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness in application maintenance;
  • A significant reduction in time-to-market;
  • Implementation of a custom cross-platform GitOps toolset for continuous deployment, improving the speed and quality of software development;
  • Utilization of technologies such as Terraform, Prometheus, Grafana, CloudWatch Logs, Opsgenie, and Datadog for observability and SRE practices;
  • Migration to managed services for improved security and vulnerable surfaces reduction;
  • Operational cost reduction as well as overall performance, security, and scalability improvement.

Our team’s expertise in the latest technologies and industry best practices enabled us to deliver a comprehensive solution that exceeded customers’ expectations and helped them stay ahead of the competition.

Project Benefits

The solution from ABCloudz brought numerous benefits to the customer, including:

  • Increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness in maintaining applications;
  • Reduced time-to-market for new software releases;
  • Improved security and scalability through the adoption of modern technologies and industry best practices;
  • A reduction in operational costs. The cost of maintaining infrastructure decreased by half
  • Improved performance and ability to handle exponential growth in customers
    a) Time of bootstrap deployment decreased by 96% from 50min to 2min;
    b) Time of regular deployment decreased by 97% from 18min to 30sec;
    c) Time of post-deployment troubleshooting decreased by 88% from 2h to 15m.
  • Compliance with industry regulations such as GDPR and PCI-DSS 3;
  • Improved collaboration and communication with support teams through the implementation of remote monitoring solutions;
  • Enhanced patient experiences through the empowerment of self-management of treatment;
  • A holistic ecosystem of digital solutions, including mobile and web applications, sensors and wearables, and connected drug delivery systems.


Our team at ABCloudz successfully provided a comprehensive solution to our customer’s challenges, surpassing their expectations. Our certified experts designed and implemented a new AWS-based infrastructure that reduced complexity and improved efficiency, security, and maintainability. By incorporating modern technologies and industry best practices such as GitOps, Terraform, Prometheus, Grafana, CloudWatch Logs, Opsgenie, Datadog, and managed services, our solution improved patient experiences, streamlined collaboration with care teams, and helped our customer stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape.

At ABCloudz, we are dedicated to providing top-notch digital solutions to help our clients reach their business goals. Don’t let security concerns hinder your development process. By adopting DevSecOps practices, you can take control of your software’s security. Contact us to learn more about our DevSecOps services and how we can enhance the security and efficiency of your software development process and digital environment.

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