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12 sure steps to SQL Server upgrade success
Database migration to Microsoft SQL Server 2019 brings your software data management to a new level. It makes your application more secure, scalable, and customizable. Unfortunately, 44% of digitized businesses state that the lack of technical understanding is one of the main obstacles to successful database modernization. How can they overcome this problem? The solution […]
Andrey Khudyakov, Roman Muzyka
Migrating to Azure SQL Managed Instance: Reasons and implications
Azure SQL Managed Instance (MI) is a highly-efficient Azure service that allows combining the broadest SQL Server database compatibility with numerous benefits of a fully managed PaaS (Platform as a Service). MI provides a much higher degree of capability than Azure SQL Database DTU and vCore service levels. Read this blog post to know the […]
Roman Muzyka, Andrey Khudyakov
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