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Mapping Oracle data types to SQL Server data types is often a problem during Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server database code conversions. A tried and trusted solution is to use an SQL Server database code conversion. Another reliable solution is to use SQL Server Migration Assistant. These solutions enable you to automate Oracle database conversions to SQL Server. However, there might be some issues you should consider while using SSMA. For example, by default, SSMA applies the maximum available size […]
A materialized view is an important property of Oracle. SQL Server recreates the same behavior as this materialized view in several ways. Unfortunately, SSMA may have issues with converting this object to SQL Server. It flags certain conditions as an error. In this blog post, we will overview the error O2SS0522. It goes about cases in which the Oracle materialized view includes FLOAT columns, subqueries, GROUP BY or WHERE clauses, MINUS, INTERSECT, UNION, etc. By default, SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) converts Oracle […]
One of our clients contacted ABCloudz to request help with their SQL Server app’s performance issues. They upgraded from SQL Server 2008 R2 to SQL Server 2019 and began experiencing problems shortly after. We analyzed their database system and discovered a complex issue with updating SQL Server statistics. These stats are used by the Query Optimizer to create an execution plan for each query. The problem was that the time to update statistics was taking much longer than the planned […]