Startup Journey from Garage to Enterprise Platform

Get inspired by the transformative journey of a garage startup evolving into an enterprise, advancing healthcare through smart medical devices and technology partnerships. Discover how the development of a low-code platform catalyzed the expansion into a multi-tenant SaaS model, setting new standards in patient care and treatment efficiency. From Childhood Game to Advanced Medical App Our narrative begins with the story of our longstanding collaboration with our esteemed customer, a journey that embarked from their humble origins as a startup, […]

Adam Robertson
Building a secure P2P car rental mobile app

Most people prefer connecting with people, not huge companies. ABCloudz brought to life the idea of connecting car owners and car renters directly, enabling car owners to lend out their vehicles for rent, and renters to find and hire cars in their location — all with just a few simple clicks of a peer-to-peer car rental mobile app. ABCloudz delivered a simple and secure peer-to-peer mobile application for iOS and Android and integrated them with kiosks for storing car keys. […]

Pozdniakov Pavel
The ABCloudz Quality Assurance strategy

Software development is about transforming basic visualization concepts into an actual product with relevant functionality and excellent UI/UX design. ABCloudz software development specialists utilize 7 application development stages that allow us to turn your most ambitious ideas into reality. Each stage of development is essential to the success of your product. In this post, we will focus on the frequently underestimated stage of quality assurance. It is an essential part of active development efforts that protects you from unpleasant post-release […]

Alina Ryzhenkova, Ludmila Ambartsumian, Roman Muzyka
Building a complex IoT solution for healthcare, Part 3: best testing practices

We’d like to bring your attention to the third article in the series dedicated to the best healthcare IoT practices. This time we will focus on the peculiarities of IoT healthcare testing. The market for IoT healthcare monitoring devices is expected to grow almost twice between 2020 and 2025. Healthcare IoT industry is well-known for its numerous challenges. To name a few, there are strict quality demands, device connectivity standards, and data protection regulations. Failure to address these challenges and […]

Oleksii Yerokhin, Dmytro Arkhanhelskyi, Kirill Zakharenkov
Building a complex IoT solution for healthcare: a process perspective, Part2

We continue our series of posts on the development of complex IoT solutions. According to MarketsAndMarkets, healthcare IoT market is on the rise and it is expected to reach USD 94.2 billion by 2026. Medical software development market presents plenty of opportunities. In the blog below, we will look at some challenges we’ve faced while building IoT solution for healthcare, touch on a subject of software development, and discuss firmware development ten-stage work framework in detail. Compliance and security The […]

Kirill Zakharenkov
Building a complex IoT solution for healthcare: a process perspective, Part1

In recent years, healthcare technology development has gained momentum. Would you like to know one of its most promising directions? Then, let’s consider IoT healthcare solutions. Between 2019 and 2027, global IoT technology market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 24.9%. This technology can be used for building a great range of solutions, from remote monitoring systems to medication reminder tools. Surely, the ABCloudz team doesn’t stand aside from this trend. We do our best […]

Kirill Karpenko, Kirill Zkharenkov
The flow and value of business analysis at ABCloudz

The application development process is a multi-layered activity with the core idea as the starting point and a well-functioning final product as the top layer. In this post, we will focus on the twists and turns involved in bringing the idea through to the final product. The role of business analysis is to identify and bring together business requirements and software solutions. So, one of the main roles of a business analyst is to outline and present a customer’s idea as a […]

Vlad Kalinichenko
Why Use Microservices Architecture?
A Practical Guide

What is a Microservices Architecture? Microservices architecture is a style that structures an app as a set of predetermined services. At its core, such app is split into smaller independent segments that perform their own functions. This approach permits to view microservices as a group of undivided apps that handle their own features. As a result, we get an app that can perform a variety of functions by employing appropriate services. Pros & Cons of Microservices Approach Just like any […]

Maevskiy Konstantine, Starov Yevgen
Why Use Monolithic Architecture?
A Practical Guide

What is monolithic architecture? Monolithic architecture is known as a traditional approach to software development that is based on a single-unit design. This means that a program is basically a self-contained and independent unit. It consists of a database, client-side user interface, and server-side application. As it is possible to clearly see, a monolithic app is a single logical executable that usually does not interact with other services.   Pros & cons of monolithic approach Let us take a closer […]

Konstantyn Maevskiy, Yevgen Starov
Best practices: Making 3D modeling and 3D printing available for anyone

The 2022 forecast predicts that the board games market on the global level will reach $21.56 billion by 2025. At the same time, more and more creative individuals have gotten on board with independent game designing and self-publishing. It was just a matter of time until someone would come up with the idea of creating a 3D printed version of oneself for the board game. Well, the Hoplite Game Studios did just that. They turned to ABCloudz to develop a […]

Pavel Pozdniakov
Best practices: Security audit of Azure infrastructure for a healthcare data company

One of our customers runs a large Azure data center that works with Personal Health Information ( PHI). Before the client contacted us, many of their servers have been running on legacy OS and the overall infrastructure was rather disorganized. The Company’s management was concerned about potential security holes and requested to conduct a thorough security audit. Before contacting ABCloudz, the Company’s IT staff had been aware of potential security gaps in their infrastructure. For example, their data infrastructure included […]

Andrey Khudyakov, Roman Muzyka
Building a world-class fitness platform

The Instructrr is a startup in the online fitness space. They had an idea of a web-based fitness platform where fitness instructors would directly sell their learning materials and services to the customers. A user can watch fitness streams, study materials about exercises, communicate with fitness instructors, and buy services. The company already operated in the market of fitness services before they contacted ABCloudz. However, they provided most of their services offline, while communication with customers primarily ran via email or […]

Roman Muzyka, Alex Poletaev
Building a 6-step image recognition app for rapid COVID-19 tests

Our client is a healthcare testing and biotechnology company that quickly grew from a small antigen development lab into a large producer of various healthcare tests distributed across the U.S. The client developed a new custom device for some of the most rapid COVID-19 tests. It includes a pipette for collecting blood and a small test cassette in which the tested blood should be placed. 15 minutes after placing the patient’s blood into the cassette, rose or red stripes become […]

Dmitry Belyaev, Roman Muzyka
Developing a worldwide lost and found platform

PerdidoOnline, a Puerto Rico based startup came up with an idea to help the unfortunate among us who lose our belongings wherever we go. Our client wanted to develop a locator and tracking solution t that will substitute the lost and found offices all over the world and save the users from worrying about losing their property. Read more to learn how our team turned this idea into reality.

Andrii Koval
Preparing a healthcare application for HIPAA audit

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is one of the most important United States federal statutes which has a great impact on the development of medical software. This act stands for the safety of the protected health information (PHI) and defines security standards that each digitized medical business should follow. HIPAA sets numerous requirements for data security management. Enabling these rules is not easy and sometimes creates much complexity during the development process. Our client, a medical business developing […]

Kirill Karpenko, Roman Muzyka

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