
Data Warehouse Migration

Discover how our unique approach helps perform Data Warehouse migrations to a new platform either on-premises or to a public cloud like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, or Google Cloud Platform.

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Featured data warehouse migration platforms

The ABCloudz team has been at the cutting edge of data warehouse technologies for over 10 years. Tools like the SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) work well with gigabytes of data. However, performance degrades when migrating terabytes of data for Data Warehouse migrations. We’ve worked with Microsoft and Amazon Web Services to develop ways to leverage their platforms to transfer huge amounts of data to ensure that the data loads in the database correctly. Our comprehensive 12-step Migration and Modernization Methodology provides a structured approach to handle every aspect of the migration process, ensuring successful outcomes for our clients.

Below are some of the relational Data Warehouse platforms in which we have certified experts prepared to offer aid in modernizing:

  • IBM PureData System for Analytics (formerly Netezza)
  • Microfocus Vertica
  • Oracle Data Warehouse
  • Pivotal Greenplum
  • SAP IQ (formally Sybase)
  • Teradata

Case study

Here is one example of how we approach data warehouse migration to Amazon Redshift using AWS Schema Conversion Tool. When migrating a Data Warehouse, a different approach should be used in comparison to the transactional database migration workflow. With transactional databases, you typically have stored procedures, triggers and other database objects which deal with business logic in the database. With a data warehouse, you typically don’t have these types of objects. Instead, a data warehouse has huge volumes of historical, pre-aggregated data (with storage depth of 10-15 years). To improve query performance, you would typically have partitioned tables, materialized views and columnar tables that work with a star schema dimensional model.

Amazon Redshift is different from other data warehouse solutions in that there is no CREATE INDEX command. Instead, Redshift uses features like Sort and Distribution Keys to optimize query performance. In the following video, we’ll provide you an overview on how to migrate your Oracle, Teradata, Greenplum and Netezza data warehouses to Amazon Redshift using the AWS Schema Conversion Tool. The video also covers how AWS SCT provides guidance on creating the appropriate sort and distribution keys for you based on query statistics and runtime query statistics from the source database.

Check out our video that shows how to use AWS SCT for migrating to Amazon Redshift.

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