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Oracle to SQL Server migration with SSMA: Converting foreign keys with different types of columns and referenced columns

In Oracle, you can create a foreign key for a table using columns with various data types. Unfortunately, SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) fails to convert them to SQL Server correctly since it does not support such elements. As a result, when you try to convert the Oracle code including the foreign key with the columns of different data types, you will see the […]
Andrey Khudyakov (DB architect), Roman Muzyka (writer)

Oracle to SQL Server migration with SSMA: Converting unparsed SQL — Pivot Operator

The pivot clause is an integral part of the Oracle database. In particular, the pivot_clause of the SELECT statement allows you to write crosstabulation queries. Here you can rotate rows into columns and aggregate data in the rotation process. As an important data warehousing element, pivot rotates a table-value expression. To be more specific, it turns the […]
Andrey Khudyakov (DB architect), Roman Muzyka (writer)

Oracle to SQL Server migration with SSMA: Converting database links

In Oracle, database links are important features that enable you to access objects on another database. SQL Server has a direct alternative to this function. It provides a linked server or an OPENQUERY feature that allows you to emulate the database links’ functionality. Unfortunately, SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) fails to convert these links automatically. […]
Andrey Khudyakov, Roman Muzyka

Cost-efficient Oracle database migration project with SQL Server Linked Servers

Preventing clients from overspending is one of our top priorities. Hence, we pay close attention to the cost of Oracle to SQL server migration in order to provide the most economical solutions while keeping the highest level of quality. Over years, we have served many clients and helped them to keep costs under control. For […]
Viacheslav Kim (DevOps lead), Roman Muzyka (writer)

Oracle to SQL Server migration with SSMA: Converting interval expressions

Oracle databases have many specific functions and features. For example, it stores a period of time with specific interval expressions. This may cause issues during the database migration from Oracle to SQL Server. When you use SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for converting Oracle with interval expressions, you will observe the O2SS0006 error message. This may happen because that SSMA does not […]
Andrey Khudyakov, Roman Muzyka

Modernizing advanced engineering application from Oracle to SQL Server

Proprietary database features often create significant obstacles for developers. To demonstrate as an example, we will take a look at one of Oracle’s most valuable proprietary features – Oracle Call Interface (OCI). It ensures efficient communication between the database and the application code. Surely, you may use other options for connecting to Oracle. However, once […]
Andrii Koval

How to define a naming convention in Oracle to SQL Server migrations

Defining a naming convention for the conversion of packaged procedures and functions is a very important step during migration of Oracle database to Microsoft SQL Server. Experienced architects usually point out that this step is as significant as setting schema and data type mapping. Naming convention should be defined at the beginning of the migration […]
Andrii Koval

12 sure steps to SQL Server upgrade success 

Database migration to Microsoft SQL Server 2019 brings your software data management to a new level. It makes your application more secure, scalable, and customizable. Unfortunately, 44% of digitized businesses state that the lack of technical understanding is one of the main obstacles to successful database modernization. How can they overcome this problem? The solution […]
Andrey Khudyakov, Roman Muzyka

Improving SQL Server statistics update: How do you make it 1000 times faster than traditional approaches?

One of our clients contacted ABCloudz to request help with their SQL Server app’s performance issues. They upgraded from SQL Server 2008 R2 to SQL Server 2019 and began experiencing problems shortly after. We analyzed their database system and discovered a complex issue with updating SQL Server statistics. These stats are used by the Query […]
Roman Muzyka, Andrey Khudyakov

Access modernization roadmap for a highly-outdated environment

One of our clients, a major health company, was operating a data system. Over the years, it had expanded dramatically. However, the client had never developed a comprehensive modernization strategy for their product. As a result, they ended up with a highly outdated and inefficient environment overloaded with thousands of Microsoft Access and SQL Server […]
Roman Muzyka, Andrey Khudyakov

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