Discovery and analysis
We start by analyzing your database landscape using our automated SQL Server health check collector. For better results, we recommend long-term monitoring with DBMSys Platform.
This collected data is stored in a local database and is available for customer’s audit. We then run the scripts, which check that your SQL Server database conforms to best practices and our established rules. After that, we provide you with automatically generated reports, which demonstrate the discovered issues.
Action plan and implementations
Our Certified SQL Server Health Check Engineers analyze and prioritize these issues and come up with an action plan on fixing them. This is a valuable result already, however, ABCloudz goes even further.
After discussing this plan with the customer, our team creates SQL scripts to fix these items. Then we can either provide your DBAs with these scripts or implement them using our manpower.
Results and benefits
Usually, at this point, our customers already experience a substantial application performance increase. However, we care about the net result of our optimization effort. So, we go all the way back to the discovery and analysis step.
We then provide customers with a report, which highlights all the fixed issues, and gives an overview of the issues still waiting to be fixed. Typically, SQL Server optimization is an ongoing process, which brings incremental improvements.
As a final destination, we may recommend moving your SQL Server workloads to the cloud to bring the performance of your applications to a whole new level.