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Analyzing Migration Project Efforts and Crafting the Project Plan — Part 3

Welcome to the third blog post in the overview series dedicated to our 12-step Migration and Modernization Methodology that was adopted by AWS. In our first and second blog posts, we explored the critical role of defining workloads in migration projects and laid out the process of capturing the current architecture and designing the future […]
Adam Robertson

Quick and easy automatic approach to database conversion

One of the largest educational organizations in the United States had been running their data handling system in the Oracle environment. They wanted to reduce maintenance costs due to the expensive Oracle licensing model, which includes an additional fee for the partitioning feature. The ABCloudz team provided a solution for migrating the customer’s database to […]
Andrey Khudyakov, Roman Muzyka

Schema mapping in migration from Oracle to SQL Server

The migration of Oracle databases to Microsoft SQL Server brings many challenges. One of the most significant is associated with mapping Oracle schema to SQL Server. At the architecture level, the wrong approach will result in significant effort in the future. For example, you may even need to rewrite your app’s entire code from scratch. […]
Andrey Khudyakov, Roman Muzyka

Oracle to SQL Server migration with SSMA: Converting unsupported table expressions

With Oracle table functions, you can define a set of PL/SQL statements in such a way that, when queried, should behave just as a regular query to the table. The table function enables you to manipulate individual collection elements (user-defined object types) in your SQL database code. However, this may create a database migration challenge […]
Andrey Khudyakov (DB architect), Roman Muzyka (writer)

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