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Oracle to SQL Server migration with SSMA: Converting database links

In Oracle, database links are important features that enable you to access objects on another database. SQL Server has a direct alternative to this function. It provides a linked server or an OPENQUERY feature that allows you to emulate the database links’ functionality. Unfortunately, SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) fails to convert these links automatically. When you try converting a database link query that refers to remote objects, you get the following error: “O2SS0563: Conversion of database link … is not […]

Andrey Khudyakov, Roman Muzyka
Cost-efficient Oracle database migration project with SQL Server Linked Servers

Preventing clients from overspending is one of our top priorities. Hence, we pay close attention to the cost of Oracle to SQL server migration in order to provide the most economical solutions while keeping the highest level of quality. Over years, we have served many clients and helped them to keep costs under control. For example, we successfully completed an Oracle to SQL Server migration proof of concept project ordered by a governmental organization from South America. While working on the project, […]

Viacheslav Kim (DevOps lead), Roman Muzyka (writer)
Oracle to SQL Server migration with SSMA: Converting interval expressions

Oracle databases have many specific functions and features. For example, it stores a period of time with specific interval expressions. This may cause issues during the database migration from Oracle to SQL Server. When you use SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for converting Oracle with interval expressions, you will observe the O2SS0006 error message. This may happen because that SSMA does not support type mapping for such expressions. There are intervals of 2 kinds in the source Oracle code: INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND and INTERVAL YEAR TO […]

Andrey Khudyakov, Roman Muzyka
Modernizing advanced engineering application from Oracle to SQL Server

Proprietary database features often create significant obstacles for developers. To demonstrate as an example, we will take a look at one of Oracle’s most valuable proprietary features – Oracle Call Interface (OCI). It ensures efficient communication between the database and the application code. Surely, you may use other options for connecting to Oracle. However, once you have committed to OCI, switching to another interface becomes a real headache. Read our new blog post to understand how you can overcome challenges […]

Andrii Koval
How to define a naming convention in Oracle to SQL Server migrations

Defining a naming convention for the conversion of packaged procedures and functions is a very important step during migration of Oracle database to Microsoft SQL Server. Experienced architects usually point out that this step is as significant as setting schema and data type mapping. Naming convention should be defined at the beginning of the migration project. Let’s discuss in detail why this step is so important and what type of issues you may experience if not defining naming convention properly. […]

Andrii Koval

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