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Real-Time Object Detection and Classification in Sports Using AI and Computer Vision

Imagine being able to quickly recognize the positions of players and referees, grouped by their respective teams, while watching a live soccer, popularly also known as football in various other parts of the world. This is no longer just a pipe dream, but rather a reality, thanks to developments in AI and computer vision technologies. With a particular emphasis on a soccer match as an example, we will dig into the intriguing world of real-time object recognition and classification using […]

Roman Babchenko
Building an Intelligent Chatbot with OpenAI LLM using RAG

Chatbots as they come are not something new under the sky. They have populated the web since long ago leaving behind an impressive trail of user annoyance and frustration. Wild repetitions, endless question-answer loops, and downright stupidity were the common laments to splash in jokes among the cubicle drones. The only improvements seemed to be expected from the further growth of output speed and size of Q&A database. The recent breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence (AI) brought the benefits of this […]

Maksim Kurganetskiy
BLE Autoinjector Integration for Healthcare Solutions

Explore our project where we developed firmware with ML capabilities for a smart autoinjector and integrated it with our custom app, revolutionizing self-medication and comprehensive care. In collaboration with a leading pharmaceutical company, our team has developed a system that transcends traditional paper logs and manual reminders, fostering a more intuitive treatment experience. This initiative not only focuses on drug manufacturing but also on delivering complete care solutions, including smart packaging that tracks medication intake and supports remote monitoring for […]

Kirill Zakharenkov

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